Kiw Eikkasit is Head Coach in Muay Thai Kickboxing at Wickham’s Martial Arts and has had over 300 fights. He has trained many professional and amateur fighters. Kiw has had fights in the famous Lampinee Stadium in Bankok and number of champion belts to match. Kru Kiw’s position at the centre is to teach Muay Thai and his goal is to share his knowledge and passion for Muay Thai to the students. Kiw has travelled to Malaysia and other parts of the world as a trainer and fighter.


Originally from Buriram Thailand.

Kiw has been training and fighting from an age of 8.

Approx fight record is 302+ fights

230 wins, 40 Draws and 32 loses.

Height 168 cms. Fight weight 57-59kgs.

Muay Boran instructor


Z1 World Muay Thai Series Champion at 59kg.

Saruwak Champion 2013.

Some big name fighters he has trained are as follows.

-Jhompichit at Sitsepboontam gym Thailand.

– Sprintre at Pengkogprap gym Thailand.

-Ali Yakop and Fidaus Janai in Malaysia.